Possum Removal

Are you noticing a scratching sound that disturbs your sleep at night? Are you worried about the firm, unpleasant odour in your house? These could indicate that your roof has become the abode for creatures like possums. All Melbourne Roofing and Restoration specialize in Possum removal, which helps customers get rid of these unwanted guests. Possums, though adorable, can cause havoc on your property. They can chew through wiring or installation, causing extensive damage. Their urine and dropping have an unpleasant smell and pose a health risk to humans and pets
We have extensive experience in the segment that enables us to address the issue effectively. We are one of the few companies in the region to develop the most humane practices for capturing and releasing possums in their natural habitat. We do not just offer possum removal services. We also undertake the responsibility to take the necessary preventive measures.

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